Outlet Huong Vu September 14, 2023


Outlet definition

A retail outlet store can be a brick-and-mortar store or an online store in which retailers sell stock directly to the public. The first outlet store appeared in the United State during the 1930s which disposed of excess or damaged goods. 


Outlet stores provide customers with lower prices and everyday bargains. As mentionaboved, the first outlet store was created with the purpose of selling excess or damaged products at low prices. Over the years, outlets have become a suitable choice for buying name-brand products at affordable prices.


Many retailers sell out-of-stock or out-of-season items in the outlets at a cheaper price. Certainly, those items are still of good quality. The only reason why they are sold in the outlets is just that retailers do not have enough room to put them in stock.


Outlets are commonly built in inconvenient areas that require customers to travel outside of their local area. The reason could be that the expenses for renting real estate are much cheaper than locating in crowded areas. Besides, retailers may consider keeping a proper distance between regular-priced retail stores and outlet stores. Since these stores may put similar merchandise in stock but at a lower price.


OutletIn the outlet stores, they are able to watch the production process, which may put them at ease with making a large number of purchases. Retailers also enable consumers to feel out the items and decide exactly what they want to buy. When visiting these outlets, customers can also give retailers direct feedback or recommendation on complimentary products for an item they are looking for.