Facing the Frontline: Top Challenges of Being a Point of Sale Reseller ConnectPOS Content Creator May 20, 2024

Facing the Frontline: Top Challenges of Being a Point of Sale Reseller

point of sale reseller

Point of sale resellers are essential in linking retail businesses with cutting-edge technology solutions. For those aiming to become a point of sale reseller, several significant challenges await, including intense market competition and the rapid pace of technological advancements. Resellers must innovate and adapt to remain competitive, ensuring they deliver the most effective and up-to-date POS systems. By effectively addressing these challenges, POS resellers play a crucial role in transforming the retail landscape, fostering success and innovation for both themselves and their clients.

What is a Point of Sale Reseller?

A point of sale (POS) reseller serves as a crucial intermediary between businesses seeking POS solutions and the manufacturers or developers of these systems. In essence, a POS reseller acts as a bridge, connecting businesses with the technology they need to streamline their operations, manage transactions, and enhance customer experiences.

At its core, a POS system encompasses both hardware and software components designed to facilitate transactions at the point of sale, whether it’s a retail store, restaurant, or any other business that conducts sales. These systems range from basic cash registers to sophisticated software suites capable of inventory management, sales analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM).

Top Challenges Faced by POS Resellers

As indispensable players in the retail technology ecosystem, point-of-sale (POS) resellers encounter a multitude of challenges that demand strategic navigation and innovative solutions. These challenges span various aspects of their operations, from market dynamics to technological advancements and customer expectations.

Market competition

The POS market is notably saturated, with a plethora of vendors offering everything from traditional systems to advanced cloud-based platforms. This saturation leads to intense competition, making it difficult for resellers to stand out. Smaller resellers, in particular, find themselves competing against larger entities with greater resources and brand recognition. 

To differentiate themselves in this crowded market, resellers may focus on niche markets, offer specialized services, or emphasize superior customer support and customization options.

Rapid technological changes

The POS sector is characterized by swift technological evolution, requiring resellers to continuously update their knowledge and offerings. Staying current with the latest hardware and software developments is crucial for maintaining competitiveness. Additionally, the emergence of new technologies like mobile POS, AI-driven analytics, and contactless payments necessitates quick adaptation. 

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Resellers must invest in ongoing training and education for their teams to ensure they can effectively implement these technologies and advise customers.

Pricing pressure

Customers are increasingly sensitive to pricing, which can squeeze profit margins. Resellers must navigate the delicate balance of maintaining competitive pricing while ensuring profitability. This often involves negotiating skillfully with customers and vendors and identifying ways to add value that justifies higher prices. 

Offering customization, integration services, and exceptional ongoing support can help resellers enhance their value proposition and differentiate from competitors.

Technical support and maintenance

Delivering timely and effective technical support is essential for customer satisfaction and retention. Resellers must develop robust support systems that can quickly resolve issues and minimize downtime. This includes handling software updates and troubleshooting hardware problems efficiently. 

Building strong partnerships with POS manufacturers can also provide resellers with additional support and resources, enabling them to offer comprehensive service packages.

Inventory management

Managing the inventory of POS hardware and software presents its own set of challenges. Resellers need to maintain optimal stock levels to promptly fulfill customer orders without overstocking. 

Effective inventory management systems and accurate demand forecasting are critical. Additionally, resellers must address the issue of obsolete or slow-moving inventory, developing strategies for liquidation or repurposing to minimize losses.

ConnectPOS’s reseller program

ConnectPOS recognizes the unique challenges faced by point-of-sale (POS) resellers in today’s competitive market and is committed to empowering partners with the tools, support, and resources they need to thrive. Our reseller program offers a comprehensive suite of benefits designed to help resellers differentiate themselves, maximize profitability, and deliver exceptional value to their customers.

  • Dedicated account management: as part of our reseller program, partners gain access to dedicated account managers who provide personalized support, guidance, and assistance every step of the way. Our account managers work closely with resellers to understand their business goals, address challenges, and capitalize on growth opportunities.
  • Extensive product training: we believe that knowledge is power, so we offer extensive product training and certification programs to equip resellers with the expertise they need to market, sell, and support ConnectPOS solutions effectively. Our training programs cover various aspects of POS hardware and software, integration capabilities, troubleshooting techniques, and best practices for customer success.
  • Marketing support: to help resellers drive awareness and demand for ConnectPOS solutions, we provide comprehensive marketing support, including co-branded marketing materials, sales collateral, and promotional resources. Our marketing team collaborates closely with resellers to develop tailored marketing strategies, campaigns, and initiatives to reach target audiences and generate leads.
  • Competitive pricing options: we understand the importance of competitive pricing in today’s market, which is why we offer flexible pricing options and incentives for resellers. Our goal is to ensure that resellers can maintain competitive pricing while maximizing profitability and delivering value to their customers.
  • Technical support and resources: in addition to dedicated account management and product training, our reseller program includes access to comprehensive technical support and resources. Whether resellers need assistance with implementation, troubleshooting, or ongoing maintenance, our support team is available to provide timely and effective assistance.
  • Collaborative partnership opportunities: at ConnectPOS, we believe in the power of collaboration and partnership. We actively seek opportunities to collaborate with resellers on joint marketing initiatives, co-selling opportunities, and product development efforts for mutual benefit.
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FAQs: Point of Sale Reseller

  1. How can POS resellers manage pricing pressure while ensuring profitability and maintaining competitive pricing?

Managing pricing pressure requires a strategic approach that balances profitability with competitiveness. POS resellers can implement several tactics to achieve this balance:

  • Conduct thorough market research to understand customer expectations and competitive pricing benchmarks.
  • Differentiate offerings by bundling value-added services such as installation, training, or ongoing support.
  • Negotiate favorable terms with suppliers to reduce procurement costs.
  • Implement dynamic pricing strategies that consider factors such as demand fluctuations, seasonality, and customer segments.
  • Emphasize the long-term value of solutions and ROI to justify pricing to customers.
  • Continuously evaluate and optimize pricing strategies based on market dynamics and business performance.
  1. What measures should POS resellers implement to deliver customers high-quality technical support and maintenance services?

Delivering high-quality technical support and maintenance services is essential for customer satisfaction and retention. POS resellers can take the following measures to ensure excellence in this area:

  • Invest in a knowledgeable and responsive support team trained in troubleshooting and problem-solving.
  • Implement robust ticketing and tracking systems to streamline support workflows and ensure timely resolution of issues.
  • Provide multiple channels for customer support, including phone, email, live chat, and self-service portals.
  • Offer proactive maintenance services such as regular system health checks, software updates, and performance optimizations.
  • Establish strong partnerships with POS manufacturers to access technical expertise, resources, and support documentation.
  • Solicit feedback from customers to identify areas for improvement and continuously refine support processes and services.
  1. What are the challenges associated with inventory management for POS resellers, and how can they optimize inventory levels effectively?
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Inventory management POSes several challenges for POS resellers, including demand forecasting, stock optimization, and handling obsolete inventory. To optimize inventory levels effectively, POS resellers can adopt the following strategies:

  • Implement advanced inventory management software that integrates with POS systems and provides real-time visibility into stock levels, sales data, and replenishment needs.
  • Utilize historical sales data and predictive analytics to forecast demand accurately and anticipate inventory requirements.
  • Establish relationships with reliable suppliers and negotiate flexible terms to ensure timely replenishment of stock.
  • Implement just-in-time inventory practices to minimize excess inventory holding costs and maximize cash flow.
  • Regularly audit inventory to identify slow-moving or obsolete items and take proactive measures such as discounts, promotions, or liquidation to clear excess stock.
  • Continuously monitor market trends, customer preferences, and industry developments to adjust inventory levels and product assortments accordingly. 


Point of sale reseller play a vital role in the retail landscape, overcoming numerous challenges to deliver innovative solutions and exceptional customer experiences. From grappling with market competition and technological changes to managing pricing pressure and inventory complexities, the journey of a point-of-sale reseller is marked by resilience and adaptability. As businesses continue to evolve, POS resellers remain steadfast in their commitment to driving growth and innovation.

If you want to join ConnectPOS’s reseller program, feel free to contact us.

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