ConnectPOS Facial Recognition
ConnectPOS Facial Recognition can ensure 99% accuracy even when customers make some changes in their outlook. The system is also able to recognize multiple faces in crowded scenes.
Notifications sent to sales assistants include customer name, type, visit and purchase history, and their spending. AI is integrated to suggest what the customer is likely to buy.
Customer history at offline store can be linked with their online accounts, to give retailers a more insightful look into customer behavior across channels & help your sales assistants deliver a more customized and one-to-one interactive experience
ConnectPOS Facial Recognition can identify customers who have visited your store a few times but still shopped nothing! You now know that you have to take better care for them!
The system can identify customers who pay their first visit to your store. Camera integrated at checkout can scan their faces to create customer accounts for them. You have now turned a new customer into a loyal customer!
Identify shoplifters or banned customers to ensure a higher level of security for your store