Having multiple registers allows you to use ConnectPOS on multiple devices.
To add a new register to your outlet, please follow these steps:
Open Setting –> POS Setting –> Outlet & Register.
Select your outlet.
Scroll down to “Outlet Configurations” section.
Click on “Add Register” button.
![Setting Up Your Register](https://www.connectpos.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/image-41.png)
“New Register” screen will appear. Input the following information:
- Register Name: Name for your new register.
- Register Status: Register status after creation. The default status is “Disable“.
- Always Print Receipt After Sale: ConnectPOS will automatically show the print prompt after making a sale. The default value is “Disable”
![Setting Up Your Register](https://www.connectpos.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/image-42.png)
Click on “Save” to finish creating your register.
Note: You can only create a register after an outlet is created. You cannot create registers without an outlet.