Latest update on BigCommerce payment gateways in 2023 Huong Vu October 12, 2023

Latest update on BigCommerce payment gateways in 2023

Latest update on BigCommerce payment gateways in 2023

Globalization is becoming a popular term but payments still have differences between different regions. Besides, consumers always expect brands to adapt to their diverse payment desires. Therefore, businesses need to find a tool to support this process. In this article, we would like to introduce stores to the latest updates on BigCommerce payment gateways 2023 so that they can make the right choice for them.

Overview of BigCommerce payment gateways

BigCommerce payment gateways is a service that allows BigCommerce store owners to collect online payments from their customers when they make purchases on the platform. It offers a credit card processor and digital wallet, along with over 65 payment gateway integrations for these common wallets. Payment gateway is different from payment method. While a payment method refers to how a consumer wants to transact money, a payment gateway describes the behind-the-scenes process of how funds are transferred from one wallet to another.

BigCommerce payment gateways 2023 make online money transactions fast. Its basic process starts with the shopper filling out the payment page with their credit card information to pay on this page. The payment gateway will then verify the data and ask the bank to proceed with the payment. At this point, the bank will send the institution a code to verify if the shopper made a legitimate payment. The merchant approves or declines the payment, sending the result to the merchant bank and payment gateway. That’s the completion of how it works.

Latest update on BigCommerce payment gateways in 2023

BigCommerce payment gateways 2023 supports three types, which are divided according to the function of the system and its usage. The first is the on-site transaction, which is ideal for any retailer with high sales. The proper checkout process for it would have to take place on the merchant’s secured website. In other words, the retailer has ultimate control and responsibility for the customer database. This will definitely help them measure the entire customer experience, and how they chose and bought products and thus can improve it in the future. The second type of payment gateway is redirects used by companies that allow digital wallets. This type will direct the customer from the merchant’s website to the payment gateway’s page to complete the transaction. This is a portal with a simple process, suitable for small businesses on BigCommerce. And finally, BigCommerce payment gateways 2023 include on-site checkout with off-site payments type. This is a combination of the two above. The payment still happens on the merchant’s website, but the transaction takes place through the portal. The merchant has only partial control over the payment process in this type of payment.

The payment gateways currently integrated with BigCommerce showcase all their features and support for businesses and countries through the platform’s optimized one-page checkout. One prominent payment gateway that a BigCommerce store might consider using is Adyen because it offers the most complete support for organizations.

ConnectPOS is a powerful point-of-sale solution that tightly connects to the BigCommerce platform. Besides the many management features it supports for the e-commerce store, the system also offers significant features to optimize the checkout process. From there, users can experience fast and secure payment, leaving the impression of the brand on them.


BigCommerce payment gateways 2023 support many features and integrate with many potential payment gateways, giving business users a variety of options to suit current sales, business scalability, anti-fraud needs, and budget. To connect with leading payment gateways, feel free to contact us.

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