Set up your own Magento website from scratch Huong Vu October 14, 2023

Set up your own Magento website from scratch

Set up your own Magento website from scratch

Technology is increasingly developing, leading to more and more platforms used to build and design e-commerce websites, in which Magento is the most trusted platform by many businesses. In this article, we would like to provide a way to set up your own Magento website from scratch.

What is the Magento website?

The Magento website is built on the Magento platform, which is part of Adobe Experience Cloud. This platform is the right choice for those looking to start an online store. Creating websites on this Magento platform has many service packages for small or medium businesses. This website will be a powerful support tool for businesses in online business.

The website designed by the Magento platform has many useful functions built-in. With an intuitive reporting system, website administrators can track sales, profits, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. To reduce the manual work that takes human resources or to keep the system running smoothly and professionally, businesses should choose this platform.

Set up your own Magento website

Choose a great domain name

The website’s domain name needs to be short, intuitive, easy to remember and associated with the brand of the business because it is considered a brand, helping customers remember your business. Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention that the domain name must be associated with the brand and use the domain name extension to increase the brand’s value. Specifically, using a domain name that is a business name or a business product name and an extended domain name related to the business product or service is a great choice.

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Get Magento installation package and host Magento files on your server

The next step is to determine the Magento installation package and choose hosting, a package specifically for websites. Websites often require good quality hosting and a stable and fast connection to be able to meet all business models and customer needs.

Pick a Magento template

Choosing a Magento template is also an important step. This great feature of Magento makes it easy for businesses to set up websites with different themes suitable for business. Magento offers a variety of templates for companies to choose from.

Customize your design to match your brand’s colors and fonts

In particular, you need to personalize your website to match your brand. This means you need to develop an idea for a logo and design a distinctive web interface. The logo is the symbol for the brand, so you can rely on the advantages of the product, the target customer or the style of the business you want to target to come up with ideas for the logo. After sketching, you need to choose icons and images to clarify the message the business wants to convey. To build the most harmonious design, you must combine these icons with different fonts, colors, and symbols. After you have completed the design, you can consult with the customer to adjust it to the perfect design.

More importantly, the interface is the face of the website, helping to attract customers to visit and buy. To make a first impression on customers, the website’s interface needs to be beautiful and attractive. However, to retain customers and stimulate them to buy, the business interface needs to adapt to all devices, especially mobile devices, be friendly and navigate well.

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Migrate your store and import products

In order to complete the sales website, you need to import products. You need to be aware of product information for effective inventory management. This assists the business and the buyer in the exchange of services.

Fill out your Magento website settings

As a final step, you need to finalize your website, set it up properly, and start putting your online store up and running.


Setting up a Magento website helps businesses have an efficient online store, bringing many great benefits. Contact us if you need connectivity and assistance in setting up with Magento.

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